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Virtual Fridays

الصورة الرمزية
Taona Ian Chirumarara
1 تعليق
الصورة الرمزية
الصورة الرمزية
Taona Ian Chirumarara

Virtual Fridays

Virtual Fridays are a series of 8 online (live) lectures that will be conducted on the Zoom platform to support and augment the leaning outcomes, feedback and assessment for the course State, Society and Public Administration. These live lectures will be conducted every Friday from 2:00pm Somalian time. And, for those who might not be able to attend the lessons, a recorded copy of the lecture will also be made available on Google classroom. The schedule for Virtual Fridays is as follows:

 26 June: Unit 1- Concluding the Unit/Feedback

 03 July: Unit 2 - Introduction to Unit/Learning Outcomes

 10 July: Unit 2- Concluding the Unit/Feedback

 17 July: Unit 3 - Introduction to Unit/Learning Outcomes

 24 July: Unit 3 - Concluding the Unit/Feedback

 31 July: Unit 4 - Introduction to Unit/Learning Outcomes

 7 August: Unit 4 - Concluding the Unit/Feedback

 14 August: Revision

To Join Virtual Fridays

Meeting ID: 947 4817 7085

Password: 439652

To also access the course State, Society and Public Administration on Google Classroom

Please enter class code: fweai2a

1 إجابة
الصورة الرمزية
Taona Ian Chirumarara
Best Answer
الصورة الرمزية


Please try to give a substantial answer. If you wanted to comment on the question or answer, just use the commenting tool. Please remember that you can always revise your answers - no need to answer the same question twice. Also, please don't forget to vote - it really helps to select the best questions and answers!