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PhD Programs at Accord University
Graduate school is something that many people aspire to achieve after they have finished their undergraduate degree. They see it as one of the best ways to get a higher paying job in engineering or business, or even to become a professor. The cost of tuition for these programs can be substantial, however, so students are often looking for ways to pay for it on their own. If you are considering applying for graduate school at Accord University, here is what you should know about PhD programs.
What's the Difference Between a Master's and a PhD?
A Master's Degree is one of two types of degrees that students can use to pursue a PhD. If you want to be a professor, this is the model that you want. You can also decide to do a PhD as an individual study program. The goal for this degree is simply to learn more about your field and improve your skills.
What PhD Programs Are Available?
The first thing you should know about PhD programs is that they are generally longer than Masters degrees. A Master’s program takes two years, while a PhD generally takes four. We at Accord University require that students spend at least one to three years as a teaching assistant (TA), which allows them to gain important experience. During this time, they can either teach their own classes or assist other teachers in the classroom.
For more information about the current available programs or updated list please email us info@accord.edu.so
Climate Change & Somalia
Climate change is a global issue that is already starting to have devastating effects on many countries around the world. As temperatures continue to rise in certain areas, more people are becoming displaced due to the lack of habitable conditions in these areas. Somalia is in an especially precarious situation because it has no natural resources left available to support its population. Most of the locals are refugees, with little hope for the future.
A look at what climate change means for this country and how people are trying to cope with this issue.
Somalia is one of the world's poorest nations, having few natural resources left available to support its population of nearly 10 million people. Most of the people in Somalia are refugees, with little hope for the future.
Climate change is affecting the livelihoods of the country's weakest people, according to a United Nations News Centre report. Sustainable development plans must include plans to protect the rights of the most vulnerable, both in terms of climate change and other environmental needs.
There are many reasons why climate change is affecting Somalia. One example of how it affects the country is the valuable agriculture sector.
The winter monsoon season can be predicted to be very harsh, particularly because the rains come out of season and dry up all water sources. This will lead to famine, loss of land and health issues for those who survive the floods because there won't be enough food for everyone. The effects of extreme weather conditions can also impact drinking water sources for both people and livestock. As the climate changes, there are also certain resources in Somalia that are in danger of disappearing. For example, the glaciers in the northern part of the country are receding due to global warming.
According to The National Environment Management Authority in Somalia (NEMA), one of the most severe consequences in Somalia is soil erosion. It is predicted that within the next five years, three million hectares of land will be affected by soil erosion. This will result in famine and loss of farming land for farmers who rely on this land to survive.
The residents of this country are very aware that their livelihoods are threatened by climate change. #Somalia #ClimateChange #AccordUniversity #Accord

Artificial Intelligence
In the two-plus years since IBM's Watson supercomputer defeated human opponents on a Jeopardy! quiz show, artificial intelligence has finally made the leap from laboratory curiosity to a technology with real-world impacts.
In the not-too-distant future, for example, a robotic "doctor" could diagnose your ailments more quickly and accurately than a human physician. In the security arena, surveillance cameras could alert law enforcement to suspicious activity while cameras on bridges and buildings warn of impending earthquakes.
How did AI get to this point? After all, it's been a half-century since pioneering scientists such as Marvin Minsky and John McCarthy began theorizing about machines that could think on their own.
Machine learning is going to transform many aspects of our lives in the near future, from breaking down language barriers in global communications to getting customized advice from doctors about treatment choices. With so much progress happening so quickly, it’s easy for experts and non-experts alike to get lost in hype and confusion. To help people sort through some of what’s been written about AI lately, here is a list of key articles that outline what’s really happening with this fast-evolving field.
Strategic Planning Seminar
Strategic Planning: is the process of defining the mission, vision, and values of an organization. This is done in order to guide future decision-making and provide a framework for organizational success. Seminar
held today at Accord University

Annual Commencement Ceremony 2021
April, 28, 2021
Accord Univeristy Academy Class of 2021 will graduate this year on April 28th. It's the last day of the academic year, and we're all beyond excited for this momentous occasion. This ceremony will include speeches from our faculty about their favorite moments of the past school year, as well as inspirational words from some notable alumni.
We'll be celebrating not only your accomplishment in completing your postgraduate education, but also what it means to be a future leader. You've worked hard to achieve the goals that you set for yourself last year. You've learned many things about your own potential, your community, and your country. But most importantly, you've made new friends and become part of something bigger than yourself.
Now, all of you are among the best in the world at what you do—what makes you so special is that right now, none of it is planned. It just sort of happens because all of you are working together toward a common goal—delivering quality service to our school and our community.

A Photo group event was organized for Accord University Class of 2021.
April, 21, 2021
An event was organized to promote the recognition of student's work. The event was across campus and included a roundtable discussion with students from diverse departments and units, who shared their work and discussed the importance of recognizing student's work. Students also split into groups and uploaded photos of their artwork on the wall. The event was a huge success and received widespread media coverage!

The SDG 16+ forum which promotes the UN 2030 agenda for Peaceful, Just, and Inclusive Societies.
April, 12, 2021
Many people are not fully aware of the goals for which the 2030 agenda was developed. Here is a brief look at what each goal stands for, and how they will help to achieve sustainability.
The SDG 16+ forum seeks to promote communication between civil society members across developing regions on issues related to human rights, economic development, social justice and environmental sustainability. The objective is to create a forum for social development practitioners to discuss practical issues of social development practice both globally and regionally. SDG 16+ will enable civil society to engage more effectively with the wider development sector on issues of international development, thereby promoting greater social inclusion.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is to be used as a blueprint to achieve peaceful, just and inclusive societies over the next 15 years. The agenda embodies the values of justice, equality, democracy, rights and respect for international law. The United Nations Member States have committed themselves to using this agenda through 2030 in order to eradicate poverty and inequality, combat climate change and its impacts, end hunger worldwide, protect our planet’s biodiversity heritage sustainably. It aims at leaving no one behind at any point in time. The Agenda is anchored by 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with 169 targets aimed at eradicating poverty- meaning people living on less than USD 1.25 a day, ensuring life on a sustainable basis, and ensuring the full and inclusive participation of women at all levels. Most of the targets involve concrete actions to be taken by all countries over a period of ten years beginning in 2015. The agenda also aims at promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, respecting cultural diversity and promoting multi-stakeholder partnerships.
The VC of Accord University who is also the SG at UNASOM Prof. Abdulkadir B. Mohamed Participated the SDG 16+ forum which promotes the UN 2030 agenda for Peaceful, Just, and Inclusive Societies. He was joined by other members from the administration of Accord University and UNASOM.
Amongst the prominent individuals who participated in the forum via Zoom were Secretary-General of WFUNA Bonian Golmohammadi and other WFUNA New York Headquarters members such as Nicholas Astier, Alexander Shah, and Chloe LaChapelle.
# Accord2021 # ACCORD #A ccordUniversity

Tenth Week of Thesis Defence
April, 10, 2021
We always endorse ambitious students who want to make a significant difference in the Horn of Africa, both academically and in terms of impact. They delivered a result with traces that history will have to amend in the not-too-distant future. We ensure that budding innovators have a straightforward path to turning their innovations into strategies that solve the pressing problems of the twenty-first century. With smart classrooms and E-Learning’s incorporated into every area, we help to nourish. We, at the University of Accord, have the necessary skills and experience that have made us one of the few institutions that ensure a spot for international students in an institution locally managed. The mission is to ensure students from across the world have a chance to learn at a prestigious institution where they can learn from different cultures.
We have been working tirelessly to build an internationally recognized reputation worldwide. We have been successful in this regard and we are not going to stop until we achieve our target.

Eighth Week of Thesis Defence
March, 27, 2021
Accord University ensures that budding innovators have a straightforward path to turning their innovations into strategies that solve the pressing problems of the twenty-first century. With smart classrooms and E-Learnings incorporated into every area, we help to nourish and improve your ideas and they'll become concrete.
Our globally recognised curricula, Network operations and exposure to EL help you advance rapidly. Defence Thesis is sometimes difficult but with these sites you can find your way around any obstacle.

Ninth Week of Thesis Defence
April, 03, 2021
Today the candidates have been doing well to present their outcomes, they have accomplished this benchmark which was another day of thesis defenses. We as a country as a whole want to keep making strides and we want to increase the country's higher education level. One way we're doing this is through introducing e-learning into our higher education system and making certain budding innovators have a straightforward path to turning their innovations into strategies that solve the pressing problems of the twenty-first century.
A number of our higher education students in the country, who would like to study abroad without the financial means to do so, will be able to apply for a scholarship. This is made possible through e-learning and through the library. They also have access to tutors and teachers who can assist them when they're in need of such help.

Sixth Week of Thesis Defence
March, 13, 2021
Here are some considerations that may help the candidate to face the defense of their thesis.
1 – Only one defense is usually allowed. Once it has taken place, the thesis is considered approved. At this point it is not possible to make changes or additions to the thesis; It can only be possible with permission from your Professional Faculty (Faculdade profissional) and assuming that no major mistakes were made in your dissertation defense.
2 – If you want to make changes after your defense, you will need to resubmit the entire thesis, that is, not just the pages that you revised. This applies also if you wish to correct errors or even update references.
3 – You can always ask your professor for feedback related to the defense of your thesis. It is important to emphasise that you can change professors at any time after registering for graduation, so this may be done even if you do not intend to change the head of department.
4 – If you cannot get any feedback on your thesis, don't worry. Many doctors prefer not to get into discussions on topics they are not specialists in. However, if there were some major errors in the presentation (such as grammar or logic), you should address them directly with your professor instead of wait until it comes time for the oral defense of your thesis.
5 – The faculty has the right to reject your thesis if it even appears that it contains content that is in contradiction with ethical principles of the profession. This is a point to take into consideration when writing your thesis, and when planning how it should be presented in front of the examining committee.

Seventh Week of Thesis Defence
March, 20, 2021
The Defense Thesis is an original, unpublished work of scientific or professional value, approved by the Researcher's Doctoral Committee. Its main goal is to present a significant contribution to knowledge in the researcher's area of specialty. The Defense Thesis is presented in front of a Board of Directors under whom responsibility for its content lies.
Committee Members are appointed by the Academy in an equal number to the total number of members in the researcher's doctoral committee. The Committee members are normally university professors, though in some cases they are teachers from other institutions who have relevant research experience, or people with recognized professional expertise. The Academy will also include two external Directors for each Defense Thesis presented.
In order to graduate as a postgraduate, a student must have met all his/her obligations as stipulated in his/her File of Studies and its evaluation report. He/she is also expected to have completed all the compulsory modules for his/her degree. The student must also have obtained a grade of, at least, Very Good in each course taken within the same academic year. Additionally, the student must have obtained a grade of Very Good or Excellent in all of their subjects taken during any one academic year.
Finally, the student must meet the requirements for modifying his/her program stated in his/her File of Studies. This modification is only permissible with the approval of his/her Doctoral Committee.
If you want an original dissertation that meets your needs and expectations you should check our website at accord.edu.so/publications.

Fourth Week of Thesis Defence
February, 27, 2021
Students in around the world have a great challenge before them. While it is a pleasure to be on the defense of the thesis, today candidates are doing well to present their outcomes, they have reached this precedent that was another day of defending their dissertation. For those who have reached this benchmark, we also want to express our sincere congratulations for demonstrating in-depth research as well as following the approach set out by best universities.
We wish you all good luck and deep commitment on behalf of ourselves and all your allies from higher education.

Fifth Week of Thesis Defence
March, 06, 2021
It says that they accomplished one of their most sacred goals which is reaching out to African countries get quality education for E-Learning system. Another day had passed and some students done wonderful in Virtual Defense. They gathered valuable data for research in their higher education classes and they thank international faculties who have helped them with this goal. They have already accomplished one of their most sacred goals. They are on the verge of realising their vision to reach out to African countries get quality education for E-Learning system.

Second Week of Thesis Defence
February, 13, 2021
The Defence Thesis is an opportunity for our International Faculty members to present their graduating students, and to be able to ask them questions. It will also give students and faculty who do not live in Somalia a chance to meet each other and learn more about the culture of the country. Our hope is that this will allow for much better understanding between both sides as we explore different cultures, languages, and geographies.
We would like to give a special thanks to our guests and to those who helped with this event.
The aim is to allow those attending to have a greater understanding of what it is that we do as universities here in Somalia, as well as those participating from abroad. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to making this happen.

Third Week of Thesis Defence
February, 20, 2021
Today, we congratulate our committed students who have achieved this milestone, demonstrated in-depth research in line with global standards and diligently and diligently and we will always aspire to help our graduates achieve academic excellence. The students of today are doing well to present their outcomes, they have accomplished this benchmark which was another day of thesis defenses.
We would like to congratulate those of you who had successful theses defenses as well as those who overcame anxiety about their impending test. We hope that you will continue your creative work on your creative projects!
In accordance with the university’s policy, the dissertation defense was held from 10 am to 2 pm. The following people gave their speeches: Chair Person Romeo, Members of the Committee Issa, Mohamed Zair, Associate Members Doreen. The postgraduate thesis students sitting in the front row listen attentively to all of them. After all the speeches, theses were handed over to the thesis committee members who mad a comprehensive evaluation of all thesis works submitted by students.
The Masters' students need to present their work to an academic researcher whose expertise is needed for their research and then receive his/her evaluation as well as review suggestions for future improvement.

Accord Defence Thesis
February, 05, 2021
We're heading into our final days of the year and we're finally closing out our annual defence thesis trip. We know you've been waiting too long, but it's here, finally. We are proud to announce that on Saturday, February 06, 2021, the defence thesis book will take place on our campus.
Our goal is to prepare you for the defence process and to foster the writing skills required before the defence. We go beyond simply understanding your research; we also help you understand how your work will be appreciated by a panel of peers and how you should use written or verbal presentations to develop a strong argument that demonstrates why your work should be awarded the Master's degree.
We will notify you of more updates shortly.

First Week of Thesis Defence
February, 06, 2021
Today our Master's Thesis Defence Program for 2021 commenced. Some of our students from Qatar, Kenya and here in Somalia defended their dissertations. They have shown growth, commitment and a desire to pursue a PhD.
This is the time when we get to see the fruits of years of hard work by both the researchers and their mentors. We are confident that these graduates will make us all proud with what they will be able to do with their lives in future.
We wish our Remaining students luck.
Thesis Defense Program
Master`s Thesis Defense Program
Master`s Thesis Defense Program
Master`s Thesis Defense Program

Master's Thesis Defense Program.
Master's Thesis Defense Program.
Master's Thesis Defense Program.
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