Master of Public Administration


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Courses H 'Challenges to Traditional Bureaucratic Paradigm' and I 'Reinventing Government and Business Process Re-engineering'

الصورة الرمزية

1 تعليق
الصورة الرمزية
الصورة الرمزية

Dear Students

For Module 1 (Semester 1), the courses I'll be delivering as part of the MoPA are:

'Challenges to Traditional Bureaucratic Paradigm'; and

'Reinventing Government and Business Process Re-engineering'.

Please note there is a possibility your original syllabus may be amended to accommodate changes in unforeseen circumstances (for example, excessive workload). If that occurs, we will let you know. Our Faculty Members are working hard to make sure it all goes smoothly and you can get the most out of this Semester, it'll get better :)


Please try to give a substantial answer. If you wanted to comment on the question or answer, just use the commenting tool. Please remember that you can always revise your answers - no need to answer the same question twice. Also, please don't forget to vote - it really helps to select the best questions and answers!